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Nighttime Whimpers: What To Do When Your Puppy Cries at Night

Struggling with your puppy’s cries at night? Don’t worry, it’s a common issue for new puppy owners. In this blog, we’ll explain why your puppy might be crying at night and share some easy ways to help them calm down so you can both get a good night’s sleep.

We’ll talk about setting up a routine, making sure your puppy feels cozy and safe, and using a crate if needed, so let’s get into it!

Reasons for Nighttime Crying

A puppy can be both exciting and challenging for a new pet parent. Understanding why puppies cry at night is an essential part of being a responsible pet owner, so let’s take a moment to explore why it happens. This will help you better understand their needs and find the right solutions. Let’s see why your puppy might be crying at night:

1. Loneliness

Since puppies are social creatures, they rely heavily on companionship for comfort and security. If you leave them alone at night, especially after being separated from their mother, they may feel isolated. In this loneliness, they may whimper and cry in an attempt to reach out to their pack for comfort. They can sound louder to attract attention and reassurance when they are away from familiar scents and sounds.

2. Anxiety

Puppy transitions to a new environment can be difficult, especially in the dark and quiet of the night. Everything is new and strange, which can make them feel vulnerable and exposed. This feeling can get even worse for young puppies who feel upset when they’re away from their favorite person. So, they might cry at night to seek comfort and connection.

3. Physical Needs

The basic physiological needs of puppies, such as hunger and the need to relieve themselves, can also lead to nighttime crying. Because they’re still growing, they have small bladders and might need to pee often, even during the night. When they feel the urge, they’ll cry to let you know they need to go out. Also, if they’re hungry, they’ll cry until they get food. It’s just their way of telling you they need something. 

4. Temperature Discomfort

Puppies can be sensitive to changes in temperature. If it’s too hot or too cold, they might feel uncomfortable and start crying to let you know. Their cries are their way of telling you they need help feeling better. Making sure their sleeping area is comfy and at the right temperature can help them feel more at ease and stop crying.

5. Medical Issues

Sometimes, puppies cry at night because they’re not feeling well. They might have a tummy ache, a bladder infection, or something else bothering them. If your puppy keeps crying at night and seems sick, it’s important to take them to the vet right away to make sure they’re okay.

It’s a good idea to take them to the vet just to make sure everything’s okay and to check if there are any health issues.

6. Fear or Startle

Puppies are still getting used to all the new things around them, like the sounds and things they see in their new home. Because of this, they might get scared easily by sudden noises or movements. When they feel scared, they might start crying to let you know they need comfort and safety. As we mentioned before, it’s important to make sure their sleeping area is quiet and cozy, without anything that might scare them.

Soothing Strategies for a Crying Puppy

Helping your puppy feel calm and secure when they’re crying at night is an important part of being a caring pet owner. If you’re struggling to soothe your crying puppy, rest assured that you’re not alone. In the text below, we’ll explore some simple but effective strategies to help calm your puppy and make sure both of you get a good night’s sleep.

1. Adjustment Period

It’s completely normal for puppies to cry at night during their adjustment period to their new environment. Puppies, just like people, need time to get used to their new surroundings. Sometimes, they show they’re anxious or uncomfortable by making noises. Knowing that this is all part of your puppy getting used to their new surroundings can help you feel less worried and remind you to be patient while they’re getting used to their new home.

During this period, make sure to give your puppy lots of love and comfort. You can play and cuddle with them during the day to help them feel happy and secure in their new place. Introduce them slowly to where they’ll sleep at night, letting them check out the area and get used to it before bedtime.

2. Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Creating a comfortable and safe sleeping spot for your puppy is the key to helping them sleep well. You can use a crate or a puppy pen with soft blankets and things that smell like home to make them feel cozy. As we mentioned in the text above, keeping their sleeping area quiet and at the right temperature helps them relax.

You can also cover their crate with a blanket or towel to make it feel like a den. If you add their favorite toy with familiar smells, it can make them feel more comfortable and less anxious at night.

3. Establishing a Routine

Keeping things consistent is super important when helping your puppy learn to sleep well. Having a routine before bed lets your puppy know it’s time to relax. You can do things like taking them for a final bathroom break, playing gently, and cuddling or reading to them. This routine helps your puppy feel calm at bedtime.

Try to go to bed at the same time every night and avoid anything that could make your puppy excited or restless before bed. Keep things quiet and peaceful to help your puppy feel sleepy. After a while, your puppy will get used to these bedtime activities and know it’s time to settle down for the night.

4. Responding to Cries

Knowing how to respond to your puppy’s cries is important. It’s natural to want to comfort them right away, but it’s best not to give them attention every time they cry. Wait for a short break in their crying before you comfort them or check on them. This helps them learn to calm themselves down and become more independent.

When you do respond to their cries, use a calm and gentle voice to reassure them that everything’s okay. Try not to pick them up or play with them too much, because this might make them rely on you too much for comfort. With practice and patience, your puppy will learn that crying won’t get them what they want, and they’ll eventually learn to calm themselves and sleep through the night.

5. Comfort Items

Giving your puppy comfort items can help them feel better. You can try using stuff like a clock that ticks, a warm water bottle, or even something that smells like you, like a piece of your clothing. These familiar things can make your puppy feel less lonely and scared.

It’s a good idea to introduce these comfort items slowly so your puppy can get used to them. Put them near where your puppy sleeps or inside their crate so they’re always nearby. Over time, your puppy will learn to find comfort in these items when they’re feeling anxious or scared, making it easier for them to settle down at bedtime.

6. Addressing Physical Needs

Make sure your puppy has food and water available all day, but try not to feed them too close to bedtime to avoid nighttime bathroom trips. Taking your puppy outside for one last bathroom break before bed can help them empty their bladder and lower the chances of accidents during the night.

Try to stick to the same feeding times every day. By managing your puppy’s schedule and tending to their needs before bedtime, you can help them sleep better through the night and cry less.

7. Exercise and Play

Making sure your puppy gets plenty of exercise and playtime during the day is important for helping them sleep well at night. When they’re active during the day, they get tired physically and mentally, which makes it easier for them to sleep through the night.

You can take your puppy for walks, play games, and do training exercises. These not only keep your puppy healthy but also prevent them from getting bored and doing naughty things. By making exercise and play a regular part of your puppy’s day, you can help them use up their energy in a good way, leading to better sleep and a happier puppy overall.

To Wrap Up

Before you jump out of our guides, read about the topic ‘Puppy Diarrhea and Vomiting: Causes, Care, and When to Seek Help‘ for essential information on managing these common issues.

Helping your puppy get used to sleeping at night and making sure they sleep well requires being patient, doing the same things regularly, and understanding what they need. If your puppy cries at night, it could be because they feel lonely, scared, or need something like food or to go to the bathroom. Making their sleeping area cozy, doing the same things before bed every night, and giving them things that make them feel better can all help. 

Also, making sure they play and exercise during the day and taking care of their needs before bed can help them sleep better. By being consistent and caring for your puppy, you can get through the challenges of having a puppy and build a strong bond with them, leading to many peaceful nights together.

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